Thursday, 12 November 2020

A New Lease


When I thought 

it was all over

It started

all over again.

I thought

you were going to leave me.

But you clung to me 

more passionately

more forcefully.

I had already started 

to shake you off.

But you came back,

giving me a new perception

of yourself and mine too.

With a brush with death,

Life- you have become

more meaningful,

more precious,

more giving.

And I take it all

with Gratitude 

to have been sanctioned

a new lease of life.

Unauthorized (without explicit written consent of the author of the blog) use of content on this blog in any form is not permissible.

Monday, 9 November 2020

When Did I Say?


When did I say

My love for you is dead

It's just another bad day

Clouds are not pouring

They are still grey

Air humid, roads crowded.

When did I say

I won't come back

Who else is there for me

Where can I stray

I am so-

So in love with you

May we always be together

That's what I pray.

When did I say

I 'd never fight with you again

Loving or hurting

we are to share the pain

Sometimes it comes

as pangs of physical separation

Sometimes as

a difference of opinion

Or sometimes 

it's just a spat -

short span of 

shouting and crying

But tell my love

When did I say

My love for you is dead

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किचन और कविता

आन्धियों सी उड़ती 
बंद बरनियों में,
चेहरा देखकर
चमकती कड़छियों में,

बिंदी को बना कर
चकले - सी गोल या 
कार के पहियों- सी,

गुन्धे आटे के रंग से सजकर,
तवे- सा काला टीका लगा कर,
लाल-मिर्च के रंग सा -
सिंदूर लगाती हूँ। 

अलग अलग डिब्बों में
जिंदगी को जीकर,
काँच के गिलास-सा 
मान उठाती हूँ।

कढ़ाइयों से सीख लेती हूँ
आग में तप कर  भी न जलना।
गुस्सा जब तेल सा खौले,
अपना ही अभिमान  तल लेना।

फिर मुस्कान सजा कर
नए बर्तनों-सी खुद पर,
चल पड़ती हूँ-
बिंदी-सा गोल स्टियरिंग घुमाकर।

इंजन आवाज़ करता है
मन के झंजावात-सी ,
जैसे दाल  में छौंक लगा हो।

Unauthorized (without explicit written consent of the author of the blog) use of content on this blog in any form is not permissible.

क्या तुम

 क्या तुम कभी मेरी  सुबह का हिस्सा बन पाओगे  जल्दी- जल्दी तैयार होते  मेरे अदना सवाल सुन पाओगे  वो चाय की चुस्कियों के बीच की खामोशियाँ  उनम...